Saturday, January 30, 2010

Just Another Recipe

My friend Stacey has set me up with a blog link to post and join with her brother. It is all about weight loss. He has some great posts already, and part of one of the posts I have copied and will put here for my blogging friends to use.

It is a recipe for a breakfast smoothie, and I warn you, this on has a higher amount of carbs than what I am currently consuming... but it will be good for the future.

Plain Yogurt Smoothie:

3/4 cup skim milk

1 1/2 scoop of vanilla protein powder

1 cup non-fat plain yogurt

1 cup raspberries

1/2 of a banana

Then you just blend them all in a blender and drink.
Here are some of the nutrition facts about it.
about 450 calories
2 g total fat
48 g protein
65 g Carbohydrates

Like I say, I haven't tried it at all yet, but it doesn't sound bad. I also plan on posting something else this weekend, probably not until tomorrow.