Sunday, February 22, 2009

The Happenings

My latest project is almost done.
Work is going well, believe it or not.
Something I have failed to mention but remember now:
That is right we are going to Phish in June.  We wanted to go to the last 4 shows, but were only able to get ticket to 3 of the 4 shows.
It still rocks either way!
Hopefully we will be staying in Chicago for the shows and just commute from Chicago to the shows.
We still need to book our hotels and rental car, but we are gonna have a good time!
We cannot wait.
B has had a long time love affair with Phish.  He has been to many shows.
His crush on Phish spans before he met me.
We have seen three Phish shows together so far, and now we will have 3 more.
The best thing about the shows that we got tickets to is that one of the shows is the closing show of the tour.
Hmm...What else to tell you.
The dogs are going to get hair cuts next Sunday and Arnold will finish his rabies shots this coming Friday.
My new niece is to be blessed this coming Sunday as well.
Friday also is Delaware's B-day.
I am finally healing from two of the worst kanker sores that I have EVER had.
I bit my lower lip like 5 times in one day, and 3 times the next day.
Somewhere during all of this I also bit the tip of my tongue.
I did this like two weeks ago.
It hurt to talk, to eat, to drink, to sit without moving my mouth etc...
Really the only time they didn't bother me was when I was asleep.
They still hurt a little bit, but I think that I am finally on the better side of the mend.
Let's see, what else is going on in our lives...
I guess that is it.
I have just been consumed by work, kankers, and jerks.
Oh yeah, I also got my hair cut again.
Next month I might dye it, as a birthday present.
Yikes, I am gonna be 29!

Saturday, February 14, 2009

B and the Cookie Experiment

B and I decided to make cookies with pre-made dough.
B did all the work!
B's experiment was to see if he were to put a dent in the middle of the cookies, would the center bake more evenly?
As you can see the 6 cookies on the right are dented, the 6 on the left are not.
Below here is an action picture of the cooking:
Below here is the aftermath of which B claimed to be successful!
B tried to get the cookies off of the cookie sheet too early, and this is what happened to the first one:
I like it, that is the one that I ate.
Below here we see one more cookie mishap, but they tasted wonderful!
Thanks B for making cookies!
This is what we did for Valentines day.
Well I worked actually, but we spent the night doing nothing but spending time with each other.
B and I have fun just hangin' out with each other.
He and I are the best of friends and I can't imagine life without my sweet lil' Valentine.
He is the best!!!
Hope you all had a wonderful day.

Friday, February 13, 2009

My Next Project Already Underway!

So I have already started my next throw, and I am already know what one I am doing after that.
This is the color of the throw that I am working on now:
Below is what I have done thus far!
I already have someone in mind for both this one and my next one.
You better watch your mail to see if it is coming to you!!! :)
Or we may hand deliver it, who knows!!!
At any rate, the pattern is looking good.
I tried to post the pattern and the picture of the finished throw, but it would not upload, plus there is a possibility of it looking much better than what I have managed to make.
At any rate, today was the biggest, poopiest day I have had in some time.
It started off bad, got to work late, hit EVERY light red on the way to work, pissed off one of my co-workers, couldn't get a blood draw even though I knew where the good vein was, still having IUD pain and generally just in a bad way.
But I am home now, I am gonna just lay low and do not much at all and hope that tomorrow is much better because of course, it is my weekend to work.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Stayed Home Today, Off Tomorrow Too!

So I had the day off today.
I was scheduled to have tomorrow off as my only day off for the week, but I needed today off too.
While I as at home, I got a phone call from my work about the employee of the year meeting.
No, no, I am not the employee of the year, however, I have managed to suffer through 5 grueling long years of work at that place.
Don't get me wrong, there are many things that I love about what I do, but as we all may know, I have not been having the best of times with some of the policies that have been implemented as of late.
So when I got my call personally inviting me to attend this ceremony it is because they are going to give me a pin that says I have done what many have not.
I have been a 5 year sucker!  Ha ha!
Actually it really is nice that they are honoring people for their loyalty.
I also am gonna get a $100.00 gift certificate to somewhere.
Where I dunno yet.
How does this make me feel?
Happy of course!
It should be very exciting.
Today I spent the day doing laundry and looking up free crochet patterns online.
I found a lot of cute ones!
Tomorrow I am gonna go yarn shop, which does sound super boring.
As a kid I would go with my mom and yes it was super boring, but now that I am the one making crap I think that it is super fun!
There is really not too much else to tell you all about.
I hope all is well with everyone else!

Monday, February 9, 2009

B Discovers the Magic of Mr. Clean Sponges!

In addition to our organizing frenzy over the weekend, we also had a bit of a cleaning frenzy.
B has never used the Mr. Clean sponge and therefore has never known of its' amazing powers and endless abilities.
He cleaned the toaster oven window which had melted hotdog bun bag on it, and then he cleaned the counter underneath the toaster oven.
B then moved on to many other areas in the kitchen to utilize his new cleaning tool.
Below I have capture quiet footage that is proof that my husband does indeed clean.
I absolutely love that he gets his whole body (booty?) into it.
I sure do love him!
(he is gonna kill me for this post, but Lynne I hope you laughed!)

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Our Weekend of...Fun?

Above you see me and B.
We are a go get 'em, don't miss a thing kind of couple.
We just had a fantastic and luxurious weekend, but aren't they all?
First things first:
We finally set up our butter keeper that we got from Kraut's family for Christmas.
This is a thing that you put your stick butter in and it keeps it soft and spreadable and keeps it from going bad.
Below is a picture of part of it.
This is the inside of the base, you put about and inch of water in there.
Below here you see the top.
In the top you pack the stick of butter.
Below is a picture of the butter keeper put together.
Isn't it cute?
After I packed the butter, I really could not have imagined doing anything more to make the weekend more fantastic.
Butter packing is fun at it's finest!
B and I then began to clean and organize our kitchen.
Below are all pictures of our now organized pantry:

Below here is our newly organized coffee cupboard:
Below is our spice cupboard, also newly organized:
Below is our counter top next to our fridge:
My favorite thing here is my scentsy.  It is pictured up close below. 
If you don't know, a scentsy is a thing that heats up yummy smelling wax and makes your house smell good!
I love it.
We have two.
Below is our second scentsy.
We keep in the bathroom.
I want more like our big green one and like our small brown one, only different colors.
I really do love them!!!
I also finished my sisters afghan!
It was truly a feat!
It is pictured below.
Now I just need to clean it and mail it!
We really did have a super weekend, to take the sarcasm out.
B took me on a date on Saturday night.
We went to Hamiltons.
It is one of the more expensive restaurants in Logan.  We were celebrating Valentines day as I work on the actual day/weekend of Valentines.
We also celebrated 8 years since our first date.
I did have a picture of the leftovers that I brought home, but that picture does not do the goodness of the meal any justice whatsoever.
B and I really had fun doing everything together this weekend.
He really is my best friend and the best thing that has ever happened to me.
I love the big dufus!
We got the dogs a new toy too.
It is a hand puppet with a big fat cat face on it.
We now can bite the dogs back!
Anyway, it is really late (for me) as I have to be to work by five AM, I need to get to bed.
I hope you all had a great weekend too!