Thursday, February 25, 2010

Sunshine Award

So my blog buddy Googie gave me a sunshine award! She is a very sweet girl and I am glad we have met through the blogging world!

So with the Sunshine award you are to highlight 12 blogs that you follow and that give you happiness, or sunshine so to speak. So here are the blogs that I find myself checking daily... I hope I can make it to 12!

1) Raw Chicken (my sister)
2) Yogurt Flavored (my sister in law)
3) B's Momma (my mother in law)
4) Kandice (my friend)
5) Exercise Addicts (another blog I contribute to)
6) Inspirational Runner (just a cool chick)
7) The Toole Tanks (a high school friend who stuck it out with me!)
8) Bryan and Stacey (college pals)
9) Teach (my step mom)
10) Fatchick (this woman doesn't know me, but she is very inspirational)
11) Dee (my brother, even though he doesn't blog much)
12) Steve (my other brother who doesn't blog much)

So the last two, really hardly ever blog, but I love to click their blogs and see their cute little families! So there you go, spread the sunshine if you were highlighted and realize it!

Love to one and all!


Mr.s Gokey said...


Jaimie said...

Thank you so much for the award!

Hillary said...

What an honor to get an award for hardly blogging ever in the whole world. I have a goodie post but I'll not post it yet. I'm just that lazy. Thanks for checking daily. I love your not-lazy self.