Thursday, May 15, 2008

Just Boring Pictures

So I am slightly annoyed.
I tried to upload a video of upmost hilarious entertainment, yet alas, the blog gods won't let me.
Each time I tried I kept getting this stupid error message after about an hour of my computer looking like it was trying to upload.
Mind you, this happened twice!  
Those blog god jerks!
So now you get pictures that don't move.
So this is perhaps one of my favorite pictures of Gordon and Arnold. 
They look like they are telling each other secrets.
Below here should have been another image, but yet again, the damn blog gods errored my upload.


Nickie said...

I wouldn't um damn the blog gods, they might....y'know-anarchy, that's all I have to say.
Sorry it didn't work, keep trying cuz I want to see it. Your puppies are so cute.
Love you and your boring pictures

Lynne's Somewhat Invented Life said...

This should be the caption:

Gordon(whispering): Wanna have some fun tomorrow?
Arnold (whispering): What'cha got in mind?
Gordon: We'll wait until they leave and then we'll chew on the couch.
Arnold: And chew on the carpet too?
Gordon: Ya. Sure. Why not.
Arnold: And go look into the scary heat vent?
Gordon: Now you're goin' too far. I'm not speaking to you any longer. And that chewing on the couch thing? You can forget it.
Arnold: Sorehead.
Gordon: Baby.
Arnold: Grumpy pants.
Gordon: Fathead
...and we will just leave them, insulting each other into the night.