Tuesday, January 27, 2009

More Crazy Changes at Work!

Well there is a mandatory nurses meeting on Thursday at my work.
It is only for the nurses, which means more cuts, and more changes.
I am pretty sure I know what they are gonna do, which basically will put me back to being at work by 5:00 AM.
I really shouldn't complain too much because I will still be getting my 37 to 40 hours a week, but gettin' up at 4:00 AM is bit@*!
I dunno how they are gonna get away with it.
We will have absolutely no overlap with nurses, which means no more reporting (verbally) on how my peeps are doing!
I wish more people would move into my work.
I know that I do a great job, as do pretty much all of my co-workers.
A lot of people have come to tour the building, and they tend to get rubbed the wrong way by the tour giver, and usually that is my boss.
I shouldn't rag on him really at all.
In his mind he is doing a great job, and he really probably is, I don't see all of the angles that he does.  I think a lot of people just can't put their finger on why they may not like him so much.
Did I only say that I do a great job?  I meant to say that I am a fantastic nurse and people should flock from all around the world to be in my care!
Hmmm, well, I guess I will keep all of you updated.
Sorry for the boring blah-blah no picture post!
Next post will have pictures, I promise!


Kandice said...

I'm anxious to see what crap they pull this time. Work is so much fun these days, why won't people move in?? I say "he" shouldn't give tours anymore.

Oh and you are a fantastic nurse!

Bonnie said...

I am so proud of you and how great you are with all of the residents at your facility. I am sorry that you will have to get up so early again, but as you say, that would be better than no job. Keep us posted as to what happens.

Lynne's Somewhat Invented Life said...

Tomorrow is the day. Let us know. I hope it is only an earlier hour and not a cut in hours. They should make you the "tour director."