Wednesday, October 29, 2008


First off Gordon says hello!
Just kidding.  I was trying to get both of the dogs to look in the camera and I had them both, but then the flash took too long and this is what was left.
Cute isn't he?
Attempt number 2 resulted in Arnold looking up, but Gordon looking elsewhere.
But there's the latest picture of my pups.
Taken just 20 minutes ago!
So yesterday, as we all know, I was having a helluva time getting a good amount of sleep.
Lately B and I have been talking and having my shifts flip-flop so often is just killin' me.  I have been both a little moody and a little depressed.
Don't get me wrong though, it is just the sleep issue alone that is killin' me.  I love the girls that I work in the wee hours of the night with.
The residents are hilarious at night.  It really isn't that bad of deal other than sleep regulation.
Anyway, B bought me flowers!
This larger vase of flowers (below) was left on the kitchen table.
When I finally wandered downstairs from our bedroom, I was greeted with these beauties!
The smaller vase of flowers (below) was left on the bathroom counter.
I found them first when I got up.
I thought of how sweet B was and immediately called him at work to thank him.
At the time of this conversation I was unaware of the fact that a larger vase of flowers was waiting for me downstairs in the kitchen.
I sure am a lucky lady!
So my last two NOC  shifts have been pretty darn funny.
On Monday into Tuesday one of the girls that I work with had her boyfriend crank call me.
It was absolutely hilarious.
The conversation went as such:
Telephone rings
Me:  Terrace Grove this is Trish.
Caller:  (male voice) Hi are you a nurse?
Me:  Yeah.
Caller:  Well I have a medical question.  I have been taking Cialis for my ED and it says to seek out medical attention if you have an erection that has lasted for more than 4 hours.  What should I do?
Me:  (laughing a little) Have you called your doctor?
(at this point I was unsure if the call was crank or not, so I laughed, but didn't want the person to feel bad)
Caller:  It's after hours.
Me:  Go to the ER.  They are open and they can help you.
Caller:  It is sort of embarrassing.
Me:  And it is not embarrassing talking with me?  Who is this?
Caller:  I'd rather not say.  Don't you think I could just ice it?
Me:  Yeah, go ahead and try that but go to the ER if it doesn't work.
Caller:  Okay.
I looked at the aide that witnessed the whole conversation and I just started to laugh and explain to her that I was crank called. 
I tell her the story and she is just laughing.  Then she breaks down and tells me that it was her boyfriend that called.
I was dying.  He later brought us some meat-loaf, mashed potatoes, and steamed cauliflower.
We all ate at about 1:00 AM and laughed about his devious behavior.
He is a funny guy.
As the Monday into Tuesday NOC wore on I began to think of stupid things to do.
I took a roll of tape and taped off the latter half of our elevator just to see how the Day Shift would react.  The front half of the elevator was all that was seemingly usable.
We all carry walkie-talkies and I completely figured that people would just start to radio me questions about the elevator.
Nobody said a thing.
At 7:00 AM, the Day Shift nurse arrives.  She asked me what was wrong with the elevator.
I told her that I was just trying to illicit a reaction from staff, but there really was not reaction.
Just then the elevator dinged and it sounded full, so I knew the tape was removed.
I ran over to the elevator and was as serious as I could be.
In it were four residents, a new aide and a janitor with the tape all rolled up in his hand.
I looked at them and said:
"Who removed this tape in here?  The latter part of the elevator was taped off for a reason, why would you remove it and endanger the residents like that?"
The janitor and the aide looked stunned.
One of them finally spoke up and said:
"It was down when we got in here."
I just started laughing at that point.
The janitor called me a terd and threw the ball of tape at me.
It was pretty darn funny.
Last NOC the shift was normal.
No goofing off.
And today I slept for 7 hours!


Hillary said...

You post does kick mines a**. But only because I did such a darn fantastic job raising Heed. (Mom always says I raised him)

Your second half of your post is rather dull. Kidding. I wanted to go to work in the wee hours just so I can do dorky stuff to people. You're rad. Love, the most spectacular chick you know.

Nickie said...

That is so funny! I'm gonna tell Cris to do stuff like that. He probably couldn't get away with it as easily as you, but I'm sure he'll get a kick out of this story!
You're such a nerd.
The flowers are beautiful! Nice job B!
I'm glad you got more sleep today, I hope tomorrow goes well too.
Miss you!

Bonnie said...

What a sweet husband to give you 2 bouquets of flowers! I am so glad that you and B have each other.
The photos of your puppies are adorable as always. I am glad that you like your coworkers on night shift; however, I am sorry that your sleep patterns are all messed up. The crank call was hilarious.

Lynne's Somewhat Invented Life said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Lynne's Somewhat Invented Life said...

Dear Nurse giving out medical advice,

We are seriously looking into the ice pack theory. If it works we will patent it and you will get part of the proceeds for life.

ED Doctor Willie

PS Don't tell the joker who had the original idea or you will have to share your proceeds for life.

Lynne's Somewhat Invented Life said...

Go to Trent's blog and look at the mutant baby.

Lynne's Somewhat Invented Life said...

Now, wait a minute. A cute new blog design but no new post? What's up with that?

And how do you do your blog designs anyway?

And it's pathetic that I am the one who keeps leaving messages. I'm also the one who deleted a comment. I made a boo boo.

Hillary said...

Yeah! I'm with Mom. If you have time for a new cute page design you surely have time for a new post. loveyoubye. h