Friday, July 4, 2008

A New Post for B's Momma!

Above is not the best footage of my two boys with their new loofah dog, but it is what I can get for now.  They are so funny.
I particularly enjoy how Gordon looks up at the camera right at the end of the video.
B's momma mentioned how she was scared by the drummer on my blog playlist and then bothered that there was no new post, and she was scared for nothing!  I therefore dedicate this blog to her!
Be scared for nothing no more.  It isn't the best, but it is something new!


Bonnie said...

Your dogs are so quiet and polite to each other. I thought they would be growling while trying to possess the toy and keep the other one away. I am also amazed it is not torn to shreds by now. Rocky would have completely demolished it in an hour.

Lynne's Somewhat Invented Life said...

Ha ha. Thanks. Thanks for the post. Thanks for the video. Thanks for funny Gordon who looks like he's saying, "What chu lookin' at, Pilgrum?" Thanks for having a blog. Thanks for being mine. And thanks for loving me. I sure do love you! And miss you.

Happy 4th, what's left of it. Oops, it's now the 5th for seven minutes so never mind.

Lynne's Somewhat Invented Life said...

Happy 7th.