Sunday, December 5, 2010

People: Either You Love Them or You Hate Them, Today... I LOVE THEM!

Today has been a pretty good day. B and I got a lot of stuff done that really needed to be done. But there is definitely a unique story about today.

I had a home health visit this morning at a facility in the valley. B dropped me off for my visit and went to run an errand while I was tending to my patient. I finished what I was doing about 5 minutes before B got back to pick me up. So I waited in the lobby of said facility.

I had not been there long when I was joined by a young man, perhaps in his mid-twenties. He had some sort of social deficit. I am not saying this to be judgmental by any means... you just need to read on, in fact, to give the best picture, I will type up our conversation.

Man: How are you?

Me: I am good'nd you?

Man: Not so good.

Me: Bummer... (not wanting to pry, so I looked at the Christmas tree). Man I need to get my tree up.

Man: I had a doctors appointment.

Me: Oh... so... good news or bad?

Man: Bad.


(awkward silence)

Man: (quietly) I have a rash.

It was at that point that B arrived in the parking lot. I don't recall what my reaction to this poor man was, it wasn't mean, I just can't remember what I said. I told B that story as soon as I got into the car and he laughed right out loud.

And that is the reason that I love people today. Yeah, it was kind of creepy. It was also really funny. It takes all kinds to keep the world spinnin' right?

Love to you all!


Lynne's Somewhat Invented Life said...

I must surely be related to B becasuse I laughed right out loud too.

So, do you want homemade goodies this year or not? I will send an email in a bit giving the possibilities.

Sure do miss you, Trish. You are one of my favorite people

PS I have a rash but don't tell B.

Hillary said...

Well go find out where his rash was. What if I have the same one...


Thanks for the chuckle.