Thursday, September 23, 2010

Perhaps I Just NEED to Vent!

So I knew that working three jobs would be a little bit insane. I was just not expecting this.

On Tuesday I started at my third job and they told me that they would call me and tell me where to go for training today, as I would be training on actual home health visits. I told them that I could start seeing patients at 2:00 PM and they said that they would just tell me where to be at 2:00 when they called.

I received no phone call.

So I showed up at the office of my new job at 2:20 because I didn't know what else to do. Right upon walking in I was talked to as if I were just to know to show there. I did some over the phone training with a very sweet gal who just assumed I was in the loop.

Apparently I was assigned a patient today, and I needed to be to her place like 20 minutes before showing up at the office. Hmmm, I was just a little aggravated. I explained to the sweet girl that I was told nothing. She understood. While talking with her she informed me that I needed to pass off on how to draw blood... ON MY NEW BOSS!!! Just a little bit intimidating.

All these things could have been mentioned and better planned out on Tuesday, but what do I know? I am just the new person.

After having gotten off of the phone, I then was informed of another patient with a blood draw order that I would need to go and see. Of course I couldn't do this until drawing my bosses blood.

Luckily, I got my boss on the first stick with a completely retarded blood collection kit. Then I was sent up the hall from my office to do a blood draw and an assessment. Of course all of areas assessed on the patient need to be charted on a document that is entirely foreign to me. I did my best, but boy do I feel dumb.

First patient, able to get a flash of blood, but the darn vein kept rolling. After my 3rd attempt, I threw in the towel on the blood draw. I did the assessment, but I know I will need some corrections made, at least I would expect it.

2nd Patient.
Went to her apartment which is at Terrace Grove, where I work most of the time. Of course her granddaughter is there, and she didn't have to leave, she decided to stay.
No pressure right?

Assessed, got the blood. Turned blood in to the correct lab, but I was 15 minutes after the doctors are not in their offices. Darn it!

I will get to follow up on that blood draw tomorrow at Terrace Grove, which will be good. But my goodness, whatever happened to my training? I just got thrown in which I suppose is good, but I also should have been done at 4:30 PM, didn't finish until 5:30 PM, Don't know how to bill out all of my time to get paid for it all, and I missed my 5:15 PM workout.

Things are going to get better, right?

I know they will, starting new things is just so hard sometimes!

Oh yeah, then I called my sister to vent and... my phone died.


Bonnie said...

What a day you had! They could have given you better instructions about what to do and when. I am so proud of you. I could never be a nurse and draw blood, etc.
Thanks for such a sweet card. You really made my day!

I love you and wish that you lived closer or that Logan had an airport so I could just quickly fly up and see you.
My right leg gets cramps if i drive longer that 30 to 40 minutes. (I hate getting old with aches and pains that go with it.)

Hillary said...

Oi! That sounds like a bummer first day.

Maybe you were TOO brainy and professional at your interview that everyone thought you had mad ESP skills and didn't need to tell you what to fo or where to go.

I think it was your mad ESP skills, you are totally to blame :)

Stacy said...

Good luck with this new job- I hope it doesn't interfere with plans to come down here in November...

Lynne's Somewhat Invented Life said...

Taylor hates bummer days too so you two have something in common. Thanks for the fun day Saturday. I keep thinking you are just 20 minutes away so maybe I am projecting into the future. I sure hope so. I LOOOVE the lotion and Liz has hers on and she smells divine.

jill said...

I can't believe you are working 3 jobs! It's a good thing you are awesome like that. Good Luck!!!

Nickie said...

I think you just need to come to my house and then you'll feel better.
Oh, that's right, you are coming to my house! I will help you feel better.
I made a felt zombie with a sequin brain last night...that helped me feel better, maybe you should do the same.
I love you and I can't wait to see you!!!!